Monday, April 28, 2014

Weight Loss Clinic Visit

I wanted to write about this while it's all still fresh in my mind.  It's been a long and overwhelming day.  I got to the clinic around 7a and we got started filling out papers.  There were 3 other people in the clinic with me, 2 ladies and a man.  We were each called individually to meet with a physical therapist, a nutritionist, nurse practitioner, and psychologist.  The appointments lasted about an hour each.

Basically they each told me I was doing everything right and by all accounts I should be losing weight.  But I'm not.  And I'm gaining, gaining, gaining.  Twenty pounds to be exact. 

They told me that I was actually the ideal candidate for surgery.  I am tracking my food, I am exercising regularly, and I have developed coping mechanisms to deal with emotional eating and stuff like that.  These are things they teach patients in this clinic and those that are preparing for bariatric surgery.  So I'm sort of ahead of the game by quite a bit.

The physical therapist had a couple of suggestions for tweaking my exercise and I will begin trying her suggestions ASAP.  The nurse practitioner ordered an array of labs which I will have drawn in the next day or two.  Depending on what they show, she may order some changes.  Based on my history, I'm pretty sure she's not going to find any problems.  The nutritionist told me to keep doing what I'm doing and keep tracking my food.  The psychologist really had nothing to add.

I go back in a month to see the NP and nutritionist.  The PT and psych said they don't need to see me for 3 months.  I have to attend some mandatory classes in June, but they told me I probably already knew what they would teach in the classes, but I had to do them anyway as part of the program.

The one thing that was kind of nice was hearing the compliments on my fitness level and my efforts thus far.  The frustrating thing is that no one has an answer as to why I can't lose and why the gains are happening.  I really didn't think I'd get a black and white answer, to be honest, but I was kind of hoping.

If I don't see some results in the next 3 months, I can be referred to the bariatric people for weight loss surgery if I so desire.  Do I?  I don't know.  Part of me does not.  I want to do it the "old-fashioned way" and people have a tendency to look down their noses at those who have undergone surgery.  There are many people in my life who are against this choice for me.  Quite frankly, I don't care because they are not the ones that have to live my life.  Weight loss surgery is not an EASY option.  It comes with its own set of struggles and issues. 

Part of me is willing to undergo surgery if it will help me lose weight.  I cannot begin to tell you how frustrating it is to work so hard and get nothing for my efforts.  I cannot continue to do this if I don't start seeing some results soon.  If something doesn't happen, I'm going to throw in the towel and my weight is going to spiral out of control.  I know me.  I know my limits and I'm almost there.  Something has to give! 

This is not a decision I will make lightly and I will definitely not make it without putting a lot of research and thought into it.  It's not something I have to decide tonight, this month, or even next month.  Whatever I decide will be what's right for ME and my life. 


  1. Hopefully, the blood work will give them some more ideas about why you aren't loosing weight. I would consider surgery a last resort, but I completely understand where you're coming from. I'm not unhappy at any point in my life, except with my weight. I've been overweight most of my life, but now, I want it gone so badly. The little changes aren't enough and I'm getting impatient. There's a better, healthier Chris Utter in this body somewhere! Hang in there and know I'll support you in whatever you decide.

  2. Angie, when I read the comment on my blog that you'd left, I really related so much. I was like you - I was doing all the right things, working out, but just not losing any weight. There was no medical reason for it, my thyroid was fine, bloodwork was normal, etc. I had just destroyed my metabolism with so many years of yo-yo dieting. Having the WLS was the best decision I ever made! It completely reset my metabolism and got me to the place I knew I could be at. I'm sure you'll have the same success. I can't wait to keep up with your journey!


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