Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I have now attended my mandatory nutrition classes and met with the nutritionist.  I learned quite a bit at the nutrition classes, and there was a lot I already knew.  I've tried to make the changes suggested and some are going well, and some I'm still struggling with.  They want us to fill half the plate with non-starchy veggies, 1/4 of the plate with protein, and the other 1/4 with whole grains or starches.  I'm not a big veggie fan.  I've been eating a LOT of salads. 

The nutritionist and I talked about my BMI and she is working with me to keep me at the 40 limit.  I've gained enough now that I shouldn't have any problems staying in the 40s until October (my 6 month time limit).  I will see her every month until surgery, I believe.

Today I met with the medical person again.  Apparently the last time I was supposed to get orders for a whole slew of tests...but somehow they were not given to me nor were they discussed.  So now I have those orders and will need to get those done soon.  I will see her again in a month.

I also met with the physical therapy lady to talk about exercise.  She's quite pleased with where I am on that, so she said she could clear me for surgery right now.  I don't need to see her until after surgery.  She wants me to keep doing what I'm doing until I start the pre-surgery liquid diet.  At that point I will need to back way off because I won't be taking in enough calories to sustain that kind of activity.  She said I should be back at the level I'm at within about 3-6 months after surgery. 

I've also finished my grad class on Image Design and got an A.  It was pretty tough and stressful, but I made it!  I'm now just a smidge over half-way through my master's degree.  It's going quite fast, which is awesome!

Until next time...

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